Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Do u like hearing Lion Story?

It is 7 AM in the morning. Just got out of my bed. As usual opened my laptop and started checking my emails and news updates. Bavi is busy preparing morning drink for me. I hear a cry from the distance. It gets louder and louder. Vedanth started moving towards the hall. He looks around for his parents. He finds me in the corner sitting in front of my laptop . Bavi's laptop next to be has no users.  Its his story time..

Lion vanthathu paren... Lion Katthuthu Parean... Lion mouseaaa pudichuthu parean.... mouse pavam.. mouse kai kudukuthu parean..

I just wonder by looking at his animated commentary ... It is start of an another eventful day ..

11.44 PM in the night... Had a great day.. Looking forward to hear Crow story tomorrow :)

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Thursday, May 06, 2010

Kudos little one

It is early start for me today. Got up from my sleep by a deep cry from my little one. He is looking for someone to comfort him but everyone is sleeping next to him. So started expressing his need for someone to comfort him with his loud cry. Expressing your need for anything by a loud cry is so powerful that kid can even make someone who can sleep so deep like myself to wake-up. When he starts crying, so early in the morning, there is an urge from me to think of solutions to stop him cry by making him feel comfortable. First action which I always take is to keep the little one on my lap and sing some lullabies. Immediately he stops crying. I think, keeping the little one my lap make him comfortable and singing these lullabies will make be comfortable. Does the little one really listen to these lullabies? Wondering :)

5 minutes has passed by now. Little one is going back into his sleep. Time is 5.15 now. I am slowly getting restless with an urge to go back to sleep. Took the little one from the lap and rested him in a nice little pillow. He starts crying again. Oh no.. not again.. Go back to step 1. Keep him back in the lap and starts lullabies again.. Decided it is going to be a early start for me today.... I could not go back to sleep.. My mom used to wake me up early in the morning during my school days for me to study.. she couldn't succeed. I tried to get up early during by college days with 2 alarms on my side.. I couldn’t succeed. At last my little is now successful in waking me early in the morning :).. Kudos little one... you are a Magician :)

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Union Budget 2008-09 : Farm loan waiver

Interesting article on farm loan waiver.


Table referred in this article is given below.

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Train availability check

Came across web site (http://indian-railways.rediff.com/index.php). Search in this web site seems to be much easier and faster.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Interesting - Information and opinion

Came across this web site today: http://indianeconomy.org/. It has lots of interesting articles.
Read article on the topic "Water Privatization in Kundapur" (http://indianeconomy.org/2008/01/16/water-privatization-in-kundapur/) and "Oil Pricing in India" ( http://indianeconomy.org/2008/01/05/oil-pricing-in-india/ ). I find it interesting and informative.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Compensation package for birds

Around the planet, most of the birds used to live on the trees to keep it safe from the preys. As population starting to explode, most of these trees are brought down for building housing, industries and so on.
When all of these happens around the world, I am not sure if any one cared "Where are these birds going to live?"
Only one industry really cared for all these birds. Wondering what this industry is? Picture below gives answer to the question
Birds during their long journey from once place to another had a resting place. Be it desert or a barren land, it has a transmission line for these birds to rest during their long journey from one place to another.
I just wonder "Why these transmission companies haven't build also nest in these lines".

Thursday, January 03, 2008

“Twenty percent” time

Source of information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google

All Google engineers are encouraged to spend 20% of their work time (one day per week) on projects that interest them. Some of Google's newer services, such as Gmail, Google News, Orkut, and AdSense originated from these independent endeavors. In a talk at Stanford University, Marissa Mayer, Google's Vice President of Search Products and User Experience, stated that her analysis showed that half of the new product launches originated from the 20% time.

Can this work in every company?
