Saturday, June 18, 2005

What it matters for Superpower to bother

Reg. Burma and Aung San Suu Kyi ... this is really is a pathetic...
It is in 1990 she won elections in Burma.. but still she is in house arrest.. don't know what the so called superpowers is doing in this..
they are much worried on the ever increasing price on crude than anything..
on one side so called super power of 60's which disintegrated after the cold war, is flexing the muscles by taking control of the disinvested oil companies..It is more concerned on putting CEOS of the all well run companies behind bars...
On the other side, worlds biggest economy is doing it part in opening the oil fields in west Asia to its big multinational oil companies....It doesn't matter how many common people are killed by the F16's.. their only aim, people back home should have enough oil..

This is time for the people with big minds to find alternative source of fuel to end these bad things from happening.......


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