Travel Revolution
It was 1991. I have finished by 5th Standard. It is time for me to go out of my village to pursue my higher studies (it is 6th standard).My new school is 5 KM away from my home. It is the time for me to use the transport system. At that time there used to be 3 to 4 buses coming to my village. There used to be bus every 1 hour. Capacity of the bus is around 80. But there used be more than 150 people in the bus. Some time we won’t be able get down using steps. So we need to jump out through the window. People get hurt sometimes. If I miss the 9 AM bus I am going to be late for the school. Most the working people and students going school are dependent on the bus. Some days due to some problem the 9 AM bus doesn’t used to come to my village. In this case we need to use the expensive auto rickshaw system for travel. Cost of auto rickshaw travel is nearly 10 times the time of the bus travel. Days passed by. I entered my 10th standard. There is 1st improvement I noticed. Private companies started operating bus for their employees. Schools started operating buses for the students. It is the 1st Independence for the small kids from the crowded buses. Here came the next change. It took 6 years for the 1st change. But the next change happened in just 2 years. Here came the mini buses. From getting buses every 1 hour, we stated getting buses every 30 minutes. In this change every one from the village got benefited. They don’t need for 1hour for if they miss the bus by fraction of a second. Here came the competition among the big bus and the mini bus operators. Quality of service got improved. It took a year for the next change. It in the form of 3 wheelers called share autos. There is no timing for the new system. People don’t need to wait for 30 minutes in the bus stand. They can take start at any time for home.
When these changes are happening in the mass transport system, there were changes happening in the personal transport system also. People started moving from bicycle to TVS 50 to Hero Honda. When these changes are happening in the transport media, there are changes happening in other systems relating to transport. Quality of the road has also increased to the great extent.
To sum it up, all these changes have improved the quality of life of people. It added comfort to them. It also created job for the common people.
Where is this improvement heading towards? What is going to be the next improvement in the transport system? With the increase in the price of fuel these days, I am looking for a fuel efficient transport system.
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