Saturday, December 30, 2006

World's Industrial/Economical Improvement and Biosphere Imbalance

World is marching ahead these days at much faster rate.
People's living standard is improving. Lot of families are moving from lower middle class to upper middle class now. Due to improvement in the peoples economical condition, people have more money to spend and they are spending it and this spending further fuels the economic growth. How this growth really happens? Is it better for us? Is it good for the future?

For any growth to happen/sustain there should be a source to fuel/aid it. The source is nothing but natural resources. We are consuming all the natural resources available to aid our growth.

We need to understand where this growth happens. Let us consider three countries: India's GDP is growing at nearly 8% this year, Chinese economy at more than 10% , Russia at 6.4 %
Population of these 3 countries are
India: 1,095,351,995
China: 1,313,973,713
Russia: 142,893,540
This nearly amounts for 39% of the world population.

In the last 50 years, United States , Western Europe and Japan have been more industrialized countries. They just have 10% of people in the world. Due to their industrialization, we are seeing lot of problems in the our ecosystem now. Ecosystem/atmosphere is getting changed. We should not call it a change. It has to be called as disturbance. Any disturbance will have its own effect. Industrialization in the country which has just 10% of population in the world has a very bad disturbance in our ecosystem. For instance
1. India getting more hotter and hotter. I still remember playing the streets during my summer holidays in my younger age. But now i am not even able to go out during the summer. i feel very hot and humid.
2. It is reported to be hottest winter in Russia this year. Temperate is in Positive
3. In 2005, we have hurricane hitting week after week in United States
4. There are severe flooding in Bangladesh these days

If the disturbance due to 10% world population is having such a bad effect, what if the pi increases and become 50%. It is going to compound the problem. Does our scientist found the frequency in which these things are going to resonate and destroy this world? We may soon see a research paper on this frequency?

But this is the time for us to wake up and understand the implications of the climatic change and take steps to bring down the disaster.

Solution soon in the next article.

GDP Growth:


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